
Global Background Checks & Private Investigators

Tag Archives: privacy protection

Biometric Data: Privacy Concerns and Tips to Safeguard Yourself

In a time of digital innovation and technical breakthroughs, biometric technology has become a potent instrument for identification and authentication. Biometrics, which range from facial recognition software to fingerprint scanners, provide unmatched security and ease in a number of industries, including banking, healthcare, and law enforcement. The widespread usage of biometric technologies has raised severe […]

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Private Investigators Alert About “Consented” Privacy Invasion

The most recent trend among organizations regarding privacy policies is to mask privacy invasion with “consent forms” or any other type of forced consent, like rewards. A recent article refers to an example of this behavior in The University of Alabama, where an app that uses location-tracking technology from students’ phones was launched and is […]

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Lack of Privacy in Free Cloud Storage Services

Storing information in the cloud has turned into one of the more convenient technologies for work. People easily adopted many online storage services like Google Drive and other similar services like OneDrive and Dropbox because they allow access to the information and files from any device, anywhere. There is no longer a need to carry […]

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Patriots Take Aim at Drones and Loss of Privacy in the U.S.

The United States had a shift in its perception of safety since the events of September 11, 2001. According to expert international private investigators, the nation that had traditionally been known for its freedom turned into an over controlled country, where everyone, including regular civilians with no criminal histories, is under surveillance by the authorities. […]

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Black Boxes in Cars – Is the Government Tracking You and Your Car?

Not many Americans are aware that there is a device in their cars that stores a lot of information on them. Event Data Recorders are commonly known as black boxes, and they have been present in most cars since 2006. Originally, black boxes were designed as part of a car´s safety system to be able […]

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Big Brother is Watching: How to Protect Your Privacy

There is always buzz in the news about so-called “Big Brother”, a.k.a. the government, keeping an eye on the people. The intention is supposedly a good one, to help protect citizens from terrorism and other criminal acts.  So we are told.  But it can also interfere with civil liberties, freedom and quickly cross into a […]

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