International Hiring Pushes Demand for Background Checks


The job market is volatile, and it’s more important than ever to stay on top of the substantial changes and trends that affect recruiters, employers, and jobseekers. The last two years have brought many challenges thanks largely to the pandemic and the ineffective and costly measures taken by governments. Mandatory remote work due to lockdowns shifted the concept of work for employers and employees. Not only did we realize that working remotely was doable and cost-efficient, but it also expanded the hiring possibilities to the international market. Why restrict the talent you need to people in a specific area, when talent can be found anywhere and work can be done remotely?

International hiring has now become one of the most popular trends, and it seems like it’s here to stay. There are great advantages of hiring remote workers that cannot be underestimated, for example, finding people with specific abilities and experience and not having to worry about migration paperwork, or relocation arrangements. People can remain in their home countries and get to keep their roots, but they now have the chance to have a great job opportunity regardless of their location. It’s beneficial for both parties, even for governments that want to keep the tax income that an individual represents. On the other hand, different kinds of work are growing in opportunities, for example contract and per-project work. Many employers are resorting to online platforms of freelancers that can be hired to complete a task or project, without requiring a permanent tie to them. Despite all the perks, hiring internationally does come with significant risks.

Technology encourages industries to set up strategies to relocate more easily, so in this way they can maintain their costs of production and keep their business operating. Up to now, the geographic shuffling of economic activity not only weighed on where and what kinds of employment were created and lost, but also limited the bargaining power of employers and jobseekers. Today, the impacts of relocation can be cut down substantially with remote work policies and international providers, but this means that the global work market also gets more competitive. With more competition, unfortunately comes more fraud.

This last-mentioned fact is the one that has pushed a global increase in the demand for international background checks. There is a greater need to properly verify a candidate, a contractor or even a freelance worker and this can become overwhelming for recruiters when the local context of that person in unknown to them.

One of the things that comes up when starting any international employment screening process, is that the limits and extents for background checks are not the same everywhere. An employer can be very limited if they do not have a deep understanding of the laws that apply in the candidate’s home country, if they have no resources to access local information, and if they can’t communicate in the same language.

The good news is that international private investigators can help, not only with guidance and important insights regarding the particular context in a country, but also with reliable evidence. Having global coverage and local investigation expertise in many countries will guarantee a consistent service on employment screenings, whether you hire a technician in Russia today, a contractor in the Philippines tomorrow, and a freelancer in the U.K. the next day.  Don’t get behind in your hiring opportunities, but get proper verification to stay away from fake resumes and fraudulent candidates.  Contact us for a free quote!

C. Wright
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