What You Should Know About Turkish Online Scams

Turkey Romance Scammers

In Turkey, the online scam industry has only grown over the years triggered by global crisis, immigration issues and currency depreciation. Wymoo private investigators in Istanbul, Ankara, and other parts of Turkey have encountered an alarming number of cases of fraud, online and offline, and romance scam. That is why background check investigations are at the forefront of the fight against internet crime in this country.

Given the high risk, our investigators offer some advice on how to avoid scammers.

  1. Hire a background check investigation as soon as possible.

The best you can do if you meet a business or personal partner online who claims to be in or from Turkey is to verify them as quickly as possible. The rising number of cases of internet fraud and scams is reason enough to take precautions. In Turkey, a professional background check will provide evidence that this individual is who they claim to be, which is incredibly useful information given that most scammers use a false identity.

Hiring a dating background check investigation is the best way to avoid being a victim of a Turkish romance scam. An in-depth online dating verification will reveal whether the person on the other side of the screen is being truthful about their identity and life. Because they don’t want to show who they really are, most online criminals will create a false identity. Professional detectives in Istanbul can investigate official public documents and contact employers, schools, and other organizations in a discreet manner to confirm the story. It makes a huge difference if you find out sooner rather than later.

  1. Don’t be fooled by a well-written profile of a businessperson.

Scammers don’t always pretend to be the helpless victim. Conmen are well aware that powerful people are more appealing to others. Many of the victims claim to have seen photos and videos of their online date on yachts and high-end locations. As evidenced by the Tinder Swindler, all the luxury is just a front to attract victims. Many claim to be experts working in Turkey on major projects like oil rigs. Their excuse to request funds is that even wealthy people face financial difficulties -or cash shortages- at some point in their lives, and they will use this to force you to transfer money.

  1. Victims come from all places, ages and financial status

Scams in the dating world can affect everyone, no matter how cautious. Most individuals don’t think of themselves as the kind to fall for a dating scam, but criminals have demonstrated that anyone can be a victim. Keep in mind that online thieves can be found on any website, including dating sites, social media networks, and gaming sites. There’s no way to know how to recognize a scammer or completely avoid them, but there is a way to verify them before you spend your time, emotions, and money in them!

If you need a dating background check investigation or due diligence in Turkey, contact us, and share this information with anyone who might be at risk!

C. Wright

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