Romance Scammers Steal and Launder CARES Act Money

Scamdemic Corona Virus Fraud

The CARES Act funding has been a relief for many people and small businesses who have suffered the impact of this crisis. Stopping the economy will have long term effects for millions, but the funding is an immediate relief to all those struggling to pay for their bills and food. However, scammers have a different view of this aid. To them, the funding is available cash that can make them richer. The human cost is not an issue to criminals and they won’t stop to think what happens to that senior lady who they victimize. They’re just in for the cash!

Do not become a victim

Nobody hands money to a criminal just because they feel like it. Victims of romance scam are lured, manipulated for a long time to do things they would normally not accept. For example, send cash to a stranger in another country. International private investigators say the reason why internet scammers are so successful is that they make great efforts to grow close to their victims and appear as someone trustworthy, someone who loves and cares for them. Once the bond is created, they will ask for the victims help in return to their professed love. Now that scammers know people are getting relief checks, they will move fast, they will promise to pay back, but it won’t happen.  Criminals know how to make you a victim.

In this scenario, it is extremely important to understand that the risk is real but also that there are ways to avoid being a victim. If you have met someone online, verify they are who they claim to be. Details like when you met, how long you have been communicating, in what site, or where the person claims to be from are unimportant at this point. The important thing is that regardless of how real they seem, there is still a good chance they are fraudsters. Before sending money, before committing to help anyone in any way: hire a dating background check investigation! A professional investigator can help by verifying birth records, address, travels, employment, and education claims, and checking if there are any criminal records tied to this person. Conducting an investigation on time can save you from a lot of pain later.

Protect that Check!

CARES Act funding is an important relief meant to help people pay their bills and keep their jobs in small businesses, not to fund criminals and terrorists.  Thousands of Americans are facing unemployment, food insecurity, eviction and car repossession with the recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This is already bad enough to let romance scammers steal the money.

Keep in mind that stealing is not their only purpose

We have established already that internet criminals are putting a lot of effort in stealing your relief money, but they can use you in other ways too. Victims do not feel suspicious of people who ask them to receive money instead of sending it. It turns out that the money they want you to receive is actually stolen from CARES Act funds or other people and companies. After stealing it, scammers send the money through someone in the United States to make it harder for authorities to trace. Money laundering and wire fraud are illegal, and although the victims are unaware that they are being used for these illegal activities, they may still face prosecution.

Contact us for a private investigation quote if you are in an online relationship currently and wish to stay safe. Verify first with evidence, and then decide.  We can help!

C. Wright
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