Malaysia Background Checks Uncover Employment Fraud

The technological development, skilled human resources, and accumulation of capital has allowed Western and other Asian countries to invest and establish production bases in Malaysia. Malaysia is the third largest economy in South East Asia, and with its growth comes also more job competition. When more people compete for a work position, fraud levels tend to increase too.

There are countless fraudulent activities and corrupt practices which can take place within an organization, from simply falsifying a medical certificate to providing competitors with inside knowledge of confidential data. Such activities are no longer confined nor limited to certain industries or professions, and Malaysia is certainly not immune for fraud. As a matter of fact, this heightened risk for employers has resulted in the need for prevention and safety measures that can reduce the risks.

Among all the different types of employment fraud that could hurt a company, the most problematic currently in Malaysia are the fake degrees and CVs. There is a growing number of cases of fraudulent degrees that can be bought online, including PhDs from reputable institutions of higher learning. Investigators in Malaysia say that the internet offer is quite inexpensive and attractive, as purchasers are allowed to choose from a variety of fields or courses and their preferred university.

Only a few months back, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) arrested three individuals in Kuala Lumpur over the sale of fake degrees. According to the authorities, the syndicate had charged between RM2,000 and RM16,000 for fake diplomas, degrees and Master’s degrees from local private institutions and could produce these forged documents within a week.

Opportunistic people pursue shortcuts for faster rewards, thinking there is no need to study when you could easily obtain in less than a week what would take university students years of hard work and money to achieve. The anonymity and encryption used on the dark web makes this kind of transactions easy to make, but extremely hard to trace.

How to avoid employment fraud

Fortunately, there are tools available to make sure that the people an employer plans to hire are real talented candidates with the education and experience they claim to have, and not just a cheater. Employment background checks in Malaysia conducted by highly trained investigators are a must that no employer should dodge if they want to remain safe.

An employment screening investigation will uncover the necessary evidence to prove whether or not someone is lying on their resume. Thorough investigations need to be conducted by professionals in the matter, who will verify directly at the sources of the information. Although searching for criminal records is very important, there is a lot more to properly verifying and investigating a candidate. Education degrees and certificates have to be verified directly at the school, employment history with the previous employers, and references need to be checked. Passport, ID and documents also need to be verified for authenticity, and media records and birth records also need to be checked.  For most foreign employers this is a complicated task as they do not speak the language and do not know where to find the information.  Not to mention, having investigators in Malaysia is critical to obtaining evidence. That is why local investigators on the ground in Malaysia is a must.

If you are planning to hire someone in Malaysia, contact us for a free quote.

C. Wright
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