20 Ways to Keep Government Out of Your Business

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In theory, a government’s presence is to serve and protect its citizens for the greater good.  How things have changed!  In some cases, governments do still serve and protect their people, but more often than not, governments are more interested in self preservation, special interests and power.  Corruption is now the norm.  Government is now about control, and how to manipulate the masses.  Corporations and lobbyists have federal agencies in their pockets.  U.S. government spending and national debt is out of control, threatening the very survival of the nation.   The NSA and other agencies monitor your every move, from your phone calls to your email account, all without a warrant.   Privacy is lost with giant corporations such as Google monitoring your home with satellites and drones.  Meanwhile, the government raises your taxes to pay for larger government, to cover more spending, more surveillance and more control.

Where did government go wrong?

Since Ancient Egypt, human civilization has been about money and power.  Silver and gold are more precious today than ever before, with the decline and devaluation of the U.S. dollar.  Money printing that the government calls “quantitative easing” has caused a rapid debasement of the dollar and global inflation.  People and governments around the world are buying gold and silver to protect themselves.

Inflation is destroying the wealth of hard working citizens worldwide, as paper money fast becomes worthless.  For those who wonder how paper money can become worthless via inflation, you can trace the history back to end of the gold standard in 1971, when President Richard Nixon ended this practice.  The idea that serious trouble is ahead is not a secret, according to international investigators.  Global investors are stocking up on non U.S. assets, as more predict a collapse of U.S. power and the U.S. dollar.  Even U.S. citizens are stocking up on guns, ammo, gold and silver as a hedge against potential unrest.

Remembering the good government

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies declared themselves as independent from the British Empire.  They would no longer stand for taxation without representation!  Thomas Jefferson was chosen to compose the document, which congress edited and approved.  Jefferson emphasized the individual over the government.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

In 1803, Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase, and people headed West to escape even the government of the time, seeking freedom and prosperity. Wyatt Earp, the Marshal of Tombstone, Arizona, was among them.  Republican President Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address during the American Civil War on November 19, 1863 stating that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  Surely, the NSA and IRS are not the government he had in mind…

How to get back your privacy and liberty

Given the state of the government today, it’s best to stay off the radar of the U.S. government, as much as possible.  The loss of privacy and rights are a serious problem and will likely get worse before things get better.  In the meantime, the less companies and government agencies know about you, the more freedom and safety you will have.  Get on the radar of corporate giants or the federal government, and you could be served with an audit from the IRS, or even have your house stormed by federal agents.  Google and the U.S. government know very well what you’re up to.  As in the case with the woman who searched for pressure cookers and had the police at her door,  Big Brother is indeed watching!

Below we will list some tips on how you can fight back, or at least make it more difficult for the government to monitor your every move.  Private investigators have known for years that the less information that is publicly available about you and your family, the safer you are.  With this in mind, our investigators list the below tips on how to protect your privacy and keep the government out of your business.

20 ways to keep government out of your business

1. Share less online, and beware of social media

Sharing information and photos with friends and family might be fun, but keep in mind that social media and third parties access this information and use it for profit, often without your knowledge.  The more information you share, the greater at risk you are for scams, fraud, identity theft, and government snooping.  Try meeting friends in person, and using email or the phone to increase your privacy online.

2.  Use a P.O. Box as your address

When you have to give out your address, try using a P.O. Box to protect your privacy.  When using a website or visiting a store, say you’d rather not provide your address, or even provide a false one.  This will not only keep Big Brother off your back, but will also decrease your junk mail.

3. Always protect your private data

When asked for information, decline to provide it.  When required to do so, consider doing business elsewhere or providing false information.  Ask agencies and companies why they need the information, how they will protect it, and if it will be shared or sold to third parties.  As we learned from the failure of Obamacare and healthcare.gov, even a government website is not necessarily secure.

4. Pay in cash, leave no trail

Cash is king, so the saying goes, and it is certainly king when it comes to privacy and your protection from government monitoring.  Whenever possible, pay in cash and ask for a receipt for your records.  Data brokers and government agencies love it when you use your credit card because it creates a paper trail, one the government, hackers and companies can access legally and illegally for years.

5. Do business with reputable companies

If you’re going to do business with a company online, look for trust seals such as the Better Business Bureau, Truste, McAfee and so on.  These seals on websites such as Wymoo.com show the company is legitimate and serious about privacy, and that they take steps to protect their customers.

6. Put tape over your computer’s web cam

Like to video chat?  Maybe you never use your web cam.  These days, it doesn’t make any difference.  The NSA, FBI and internet criminals can now activate a webcam and record or photograph you without your knowledge. Put a piece of tape over it to be on the safe side.

7.  Maintain two email addresses

Giving your email address to anyone that is not a close friend or family member is a bad idea.  Even if you trust the company or government agency, that doesn’t mean that they take steps necessary to protect your data, and it doesn’t mean that hackers won’t at some point be able to access your private information and email.  Decrease your risk and avoid more spam with a second email account.

8. Buy a shredder

Thieves and even police sometimes check the garbage of people under surveillance.  Internet criminals use paper statements to steal your banking details, commit identity theft or other crime.  For paper bills you can’t avoid, put them in the shredder.  Your fireplace might also be an option.

9. Get your info off the internet

Consider using the services of companies who help you remove your information from the web.  Sites like Reputation.com can help you get your private information offline, so criminals and government employees find it more difficult to gather your information.  In some cases, if removal isn’t possible, publishing fake profiles and information online can also help protect your privacy.

10. Plant trees and shrubs

You’re not the only one who uses Google Maps to check out your house, and how to get to there.  Criminals find Street View very useful when planning a burglary or other crime at your residence.  Contact Google and demand they take down the image of your home (they will blur it), and plant trees for privacy.

11. Use a safe search engine

Use a safe search engine like DuckDuckGo that doesn’t track and record your search activity and IP address.  Given the increased surveillance of all internet activity by government agencies, data brokers and companies, this is perhaps one of the most important steps you can take.

 12. Use Disconnect for the web

Privacy advocate company Disconnect helps protect you against data brokers who collect your information and search history without your knowledge or consent.   These companies then sell your information for a profit.  With Disconnect on your browser, you can block most data brokers.

 13. Clear your cookies

Check the settings on your internet browser (such as Firefox or Safari) and set to clear and delete all cookies every time you close your browser.  True, it’s a minor inconvenience to re enter your passwords, but it goes a very long way to keeping you safe and protecting your privacy!

14. Build a fence, install a gate

If you’re lucky enough to live outside the city, consider building a fence to mark your boundary, and install a gate on your driveway.  No trespassing signs are also important if you have some acreage.

15. Know who your “friends” are

Do you use Facebook and other social media?  Check your privacy settings to be sure your information is not visible to the public, and check to see if your list of friends are people you actually know and trust.  In some cases, a worst enemy or internet scammer can be on your “friends” list.

16. Make your phone number private

Contact your phone service provider and request your number be privately registered.  Once your number is private, add your number to the National Do Not Call Registry to get off telemarketing lists.

17. Know your rights and the Constitution

If you live in the U.S., read the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights carefully and be sure you understand your most fundamental rights.  If you ever feel someone has infringed or violated your rights, do not hesitate to contact your attorney.  If someone from a police or government agency asks to search your home, property or vehicle, always say no unless they have a warrant.

18. Get a background check investigation

Getting involved with a person, company or organization you don’t know very well?  These days, it’s important to verify and get clear evidence before making a big personal or business decision.  Professional private investigators offer background check investigations to minimize your risk.

19. Pay taxes and conduct honest business

Work hard and pay taxes owed.  Although it’s tempting to take short cuts, or claim a deduction that you truly don’t qualify for, such activity will often draw the attention of Uncle Sam, who wants more money and will threaten you with interest, penalties, fees, or even jail time.  Honest and ethical business, and proper accounting, is a good way to stay off the radar and avoid an audit.

20. Take an interest in freedom and privacy

International private investigators understand it’s easy to say there is nothing you can do, but if you demand privacy from elected officials, companies and courts, things can change.

Do you have any good tips that we didn’t mention here?  Share them!

C. Wright
© 2014 Wymoo International
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