Syria Military Scams Targeting Victims on Social Media and Dating Sites


Every day, thousands of people worldwide report being a victim to an online dating scam perpetrated by someone who pretended to be a member of the military. In recent years, Syria has become one of the hottest places for online criminals to conduct romance scams, charity fraud and other Internet scams.  Even after the American troops withdrawal from Syria, it will remain a poverty-stricken nation for years to come with little law and order.  This is the perfect environment for scammers.

Thousands of U.S. soldiers have been deployed in this country torn by civil war. The conditions in which local people live with constant life-threatening situations, the lack of respect for human rights and human lives, and all the conditions of war touch peoples’ lives. Furthermore, people can easily feel moved by the hardship of one of the many heroes that are fighting against ISIS, which is the bait that online criminals often use to target their victims through social media and online dating websites.  This is why military romance scams are thriving.  If you’ve met a soldier or person online who claims to be working or fighting in Syria (or Afghanistan), it is important to verify and get the facts.

Criminals around the world, but especially those located in high risk countries like Ghana and Nigeria are profiting off of U.S. citizens under the guise of patriotism. Most of them use online dating sites and apps, and social networks to establish online romantic relationships. Others use different approaches like emails requesting for help to get back home.  In all cases, the longer the line of communication between a criminal and a potential victim is open, the more dangerous it becomes.

Don’t be a victim of fake soldiers or fake online profiles.

Real U.S. military members are suffering from identity theft and other kinds of fraud. Most of the pictures and information used in fake profiles come from legitimate soldiers serving – or who have served – in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan. This makes military scams more believable and less likely to be spotted. The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command and other organizations have posted warnings about military scams to education the public about the serious and growing risk.

However, prevention is mostly a responsibility that everyone dating online must hold for themselves. International private investigators recommend verifying anyone you meet online as soon as the relationship begins. The sooner you know if you are communicating with a criminal, the better chances you have of walking away from it without any damages. Online dating investigation services are advised in any online relationship whether it involves military or Syria or other.

A dating background check investigation will provide evidence to confirm if the person you are communicating with truly exists, if their identity can be verified, if they belong to the military and if they are in fact currently deployed in Syria. Investigators verify documents, ID or passport, address, date of birth, marriage and criminal records, screen the case for fraud, and more.

Before going ahead with an online relationship with a soldier in Syria, Afghanistan or any other place, or before taking any steps forward, make sure you have the evidence you need!

C. Wright
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