International Employment Screening Checklist


Employment screening is listed as one of the best practices in the recruiting field and it should always be an essential part of any company´s strategic plan. People and information are the most important assets any company has nowadays, and this is fairly clear for most. However, companies are just starting to wake up from a period in which competition was the highest value considered for a candidate, and we are moving forward into considering more balanced people for our teams, especially those who have high ethical standards.  To keep costs low or to expand overseas, many companies are now hiring blind in countries around the globe.  Needless to say, this is a high risk game to play and proper verifications are key to success.

In a globalized world, finding the right people can get very complicated. According to the 2014 Global Fraud Study issued by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), organizations loose an average of 5% revenues each year to fraud committed by an employee. Identifying people who are prone to committing fraud starts with a good employment screening.  Hiring someone with a false background can be very costly, with serious time and money wasted.

What to check for in an international employment screening provider?

1. Before starting any employment screening process, it is important to consider the local law in the country or countries where the subject or candidate resides or has worked.   The limits and extents for background check investigations are certainly not the same everywhere, and the company could get in trouble for crossing the line. A private investigator in the country of origin will help with guidance and important insights regarding the law.  For proper verifications you will need a firm with trained investigators on the ground who speak the language and have access to local records.

2. Verifying identity is basic. When recruiters hire someone from another country, it is hard to check if the CV or resume received corresponds with the person they met. Although it might seem kind of surreal that people can steal someone else´s identity to get a job, it does happen, and it happens even at the highest levels (corporate executives). Companies sometimes focus a lot on resumes but too little on the most basic things. One important thing to know is that public records do not work the same in other countries as they do in the United States or other developed countries.  To mitigate your risk, you will need someone with experience to directly check records at government offices, and verify essential data such as DOB, passport or ID copies and so on.  Prudent investigators will verify identity and personal data, not just the resume.

3. Employment and education history. CV fraud is getting more and more common every day, and companies are failing to do background checks, allowing applicants to potentially lie about their qualifications or expertise. The lack of scrutiny or the inability to do it properly can put your organization in a dangerous position. It is not easy to verify previous employers or education when you don´t know the language, or don´t have a clue about the education system of another country. What if you find out that the previous employer is no longer in operation? Confirming the information contained in a resume or CV takes more than just a call or taking a quick look at documents.  Overseas, it requires local contacts.

4. Checking criminal and court records does not count as an actual international employment screening or professional background check, but this is definitely one of the items on your checklist. The fact that someone has a clean record does not mean necessarily that they are people to trust. Many of the worst criminals of all times did not have any criminal records. However, it is important to check this data and make sure everything looks fine, especially if your jurisdiction requires this as mandatory.  Professional investigators typically search criminal records locally and also check court records, for any history of litigation or bankruptcy.  In developing countries, there is no simple database to check.

5. When possible, check references or try to have a professional and discreet local investigation. Probably the best way to make sure you have the right candidate is to talk to people who have worked with this person, clients or other people who had to deal with them on a business level. This will help you have a better understanding of the personality and the skills that this person will add to your team.

Doing professional international due diligence is about a lot more than just compliance.  It’s about keeping your company safe and profitable.  Making bad or great hiring choices can mean success or bankruptcy, so make sure it’s done correctly.  Given the high risk in international hiring and investment, it’s a wise choice to verify individuals so you can make an informed decision!  Remember a professional background check investigation is about a lot more than just checking criminal records, especially in international cases where risk is highest. 

International employment screening is important on any level, but it is a must when the applicant is going to undertake an executive position or when there is greater responsibility.   Don’t waste time and money hiring a phony.  Get the facts early in the interview process.

Are you planning on hiring or investing overseas?  How do you know the person you’re dealing with is who he or she claims to be?  Contact us today for a discreet and confidential quote.  Our investigators will provide a customized solution for you.

C. Wright
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