International Background Checks: The Fraud Risk in West Africa

online fraud victims

The internet has made the world a global village and has brought people together – sometimes good, sometimes bad.  Where it has made it possible to communicate with people far away, it has also brought some negative effects, especially in impoverished countries in West Africa.

West Africa has been one of the regions with the highest risk for fraud and online scams, with Nigeria and Ghana as the leading countries in this matter. Far from improving over the years, the cases of online fraud in Ghana and Nigeria have gotten more complex, more dangerous and have expanded to other countries such as the Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo, Mali and Sierra Leone.

The media has been alerting people about Ghana and Nigeria scams for years, but part of the problem is that many of today’s victims do not even know they are being fooled by someone in West Africa. Many of the scammers know that the region has a bad reputation, so they pretend to be from another country. After weeks and months have gone by, the victim will be completely trapped in a web of lies and it will be easier to push them into losing their money, one way or another.

The Role of International Background Check Investigations

No one wants to think they can be taken advantage of by an internet scam. However, anyone who reads this article is a potential victim. Every single user of the internet is at risk of being defrauded or scammed, so the responsibility of staying safe is on all of us as internet users.

International background check investigations provide a reliable tool to everyone who wants to avoid being a victim. Many of the cases that Wymoo International works on a daily basis involve several countries, not only in West Africa but also in America, Europe and Asia, which is why having investigators in all these regions is critical to conducting a thorough investigation.

A professional background check is the first step to obtain the evidence people need to stay safe. Why? Because all of the basic facts are verified. A thorough background check investigation conducted by a trained private investigator will include verification of birth records, criminal and court records, address and media records, employment and education verification, passport and travel records, ID and document verification, fraud screening and more.  In cases where the subject claims to be from another country, passport, visa , travel and immigration records will be key to determine if the person is being truthful and honest, and whether or not the subject is who he or she claims to be.

If you meet someone from West Africa or anywhere else in the world online, and you’re becoming interested in developing a relationship with this person (personal or business), make sure you hire a professional background check investigation first. Even if “West Africa” is not in the picture, anyone who is in contact with a stranger online is a potential victim. After all, the internet allows anonymity and provides scamming tools to hide the true identity of the person behind the computer. Finding out in early stages of a relationship if the person is trustworthy or a criminal is key to avoiding big financial losses, not to mention you will save a lot of time and heartache.

Contact us before it is too late!  Get a free quote today.

C. Wright
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