How to Save Money and Time in an Employment Screening Process

International Employment Screening

Hiring the appropriate individual can be a time-consuming process for any recruiter. It takes a long time to go through a large number of resumes and cover letters to find the suitable one. Furthermore, with the rise of the freelance industry, the options can become wider and finding the right talent is becoming increasingly difficult.

The good news is that talent acquisition teams can rely on professional private investigators to support their work, and avoid losing time and money in tasks that investigators can perform quicker and more thoroughly due to the tools they have.

For recruiters, it is important though to go through an initial “screening” process which entails a conversation with a potential employee prior to inviting him or her to an interview. You can establish the fundamentals of what both sides expect from the job during this session to make sure both sides are on the same page. This previous process to discuss wage expectations, non-resume qualifications, present and past work experience, working hours, work culture, etc will save a lot of time as both the recruiter and the applicant will be able to figure out if you’re a good match or not. This initial process should not be confused with an actual investigative work, where selected applicants would have to undergo a thorough evaluation of their claimed skills, experience and background.

In fact, the most time-consuming comes from the next step, which is the verification process in which a candidate proves their idealness for the position. Part of this process would be the formal interviews, and in many cases tests; but one that takes a long time for recruiting teams to accomplish is the actual background screening, where a candidate’s claims need to verified.

The reason why it’s so time consuming is because in most cases recruiters do not have the right tools to conduct a background check, and resort to partial criminal records checks with one provider and other verifications with others.

A simple and effective way to save time and money is to have a one provider that can thoroughly investigate previous employment claims, education history, criminal and court records, verify identity, and check for references, regardless of where the applicant is from. A one-stop provider will not only be able to save your team time, but will also guarantee a consistent international employment screening process for everyone being hired.

Employment background check investigations will also save money in the long run, as they are an investment in the safety of a company’s employees, the community, and even the company’s brand. Even though a background check isn’t a panacea, if done correctly and completely, it can safeguard your company from a variety of threats.

Make good use of your resources and hire a legitimate private investigator.

C. Wright

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