Business and Adoption Fraud Thriving in Cameroon


Cameroon has seen a dramatic increase in cases of fraud in recent years.  Expert private investigators in Cameroon and the West Africa region say that most of the scam schemes used here do not resemble those used in other high risk countries like Ghana or Nigeria, so it is very important to get informed about these new threats and to prevent people from falling victim.

According to a warning from the High Commission for the Republic of Cameroon, the methods used to defraud unsuspected victims are elaborate and range from requesting donations to good causes, to complex business and adoption scams. Online criminals in Cameroon are targeting foreigners especially from the United States, Canada, Australia and the U.K., so if you are from either of these countries and are having business or personal deals with someone in Cameroon, exercising extra caution is important.  Given the sophisticated fraud tactics, anyone can be a victim.

What you need to know about fraud in Cameroon

One of the most important things to consider in Cameroon scams is that the criminals involved are armed with plenty of resources. Although being well-prepared is a global trend in today’s world of growing online fraud, it is a fact that Cameroon is way ahead in this sense.

International investigators have found that in most cases of scam in Cameroon, the fraudsters had all kinds of fake and forged documents. “Business deals seem legitimate as the scammers provide a lot of documentation to the victims” says Paul Fletcher, VP of Due Diligence Services at Wymoo. This creates a sense of confidence in the victims, many of which lower their guard and do not do proper due diligence process on time. Money requests to register a business in Cameroon or to comply with legal procedures should be considered red flags.  Never pay a company for services or goods until the entity has been properly verified by an investigator.  It is important to know that verifying a business deal is not an easy task and business people should always remain vigilant and hire professional help.

But not only businesses need to be careful. Some of the most popular scams in Cameroon involve the adoption of children or animals over the internet. People should be cautious about sending money or traveling to Cameroon to adopt a child from an orphanage. It Is known that scammers will try to pull their victims heart strings to add some pressure, but before taking any steps forward, make sure you have a professional investigator in Cameroon conduct a background check investigation to verify your contact, and the existence of such child. If there is an orphanage involved, let our trained investigators verify the entity and make sure it is reputable.  A complete investigation can give you clear evidence and help you make an informed decision, and know if the documents are genuine.

The U.S. Embassy has also issued a warning regarding the most typical cases of fraud originating in Cameroon. Get informed and share this information with fellow business people and friends. There are also a lot of great business opportunities in Cameroon, as well as many people in need of help. Just make sure you have enough evidence to differentiate a legitimate deal from a scam.

Have you met someone in West Africa, or are you dealing with a company or organization in Cameroon?  Be safe  and lower your risk!  Contact us today for a free and confidential quote.

C. Wright
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