AARP Warns Senior Citizens About Romance Scams and Internet Fraud

senior scams online

Fighting fraud and scams has become the quest of many.  People who have been victim in the past and organizations like the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) and Wymoo International are witness to the devastation that romance scams can cause among people of all ages and origins, but especially senior citizens. That is why warning those in danger is so important.

One of the biggest fears of men and women over sixty is to spend the rest of their lives alone. It is not easy to find a companion these days, but online dating has a whole world of opportunities “hassle-free”. On one side, internet dating is available to anyone without having to leave their home. It is very convenient to be able to communicate with someone thousands of miles away at any time. But the fact that we can meet people without leaving our homes can give us a false sense of safety.

The risks of online dating are many. Thousands of people have lost their life savings to a romance scammer, but the consequences can go a lot further. Online criminals have been practicing for years the best tactics to manipulate their victims. Once the scammer earns the trust and affection of the victim, they will ask them to do anything for them. This is where the biggest problem is.  In other cases, criminals simply need the victim to click on a link in their email or download an attachment which installs a virus on their computer or device, enabling the criminal access to personal data and passwords.

Senior victims have received money in their bank accounts that comes from money laundering; they have cashed fake checks and had to deal with a debt with their banks; they have lost their homes to a mortgage they could not pay because their “online love” never paid them back. They have had their identities stolen, been victims of blackmail and extortion, and even more serious crimes.  The outcome is most of the times sad and devastating. Even if there are no financial losses to regret, there is usually an emotional distress caused by the loss of someone they had learned to care for, believe in, and the feeling of being deceived. Sometimes, the result can be a deep depression.

Avoiding romance scam does not always mean giving up on online dating and social media. It does usually require changing your mindset to be skeptical of anyone online, and to seek professional help. International private investigators help senior citizens who have an online relationship by conducting a dating background check investigation. Verifying the identity of the person you are communicating with and making sure they are not a criminal is critical.  Most romance scammers are not even a real person but a fake persona that a criminal created. Online romance scam would not even be a problem if people used the professional help available at the early stages of the relationship.

Fake identities or stolen real identities are used by online criminals who take information and photos from online dating website and social media websites, making it nearly impossible for the average internet user to verify online contact on their own.  In nearly all cases, it requires the experience and resources of a trained private investigator.  For international cases, international private investigators are key to staying safe and avoiding fraud.  Investigators verify all the facts to provide you with clear evidence.

Keep in mind that there are organizations that are out there to help. Wymoo International has been conducting investigations for over a decade to protect senior people from being scammed. The AARP is also a responsible organization that wants people to live a safe and enjoyable retirement, which is why they have a fraud resource center with warnings and helpful information for all.

Get informed about the risks, share with those you love and don’t forget to be cautious and seek professional help! Contact us for a free investigation quote if you meet someone online.

C. Wright
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